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Instructional Media Tools Portfolio
Mary Henry Lightfoot


Welcome! The portfolio highlights use of media tools within a framework of effective screen design, effective use of color, and usability. Media tools used are: PowerPoint, Camtasia, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Adobe Soundbooth, and Articulate. Multimedia is emphasized with text, images, video, and sound. The media tools and multimedia elements exemplify application of instruction design for online learning. Some examples display concepts of a unit within an Introduction to Interpreting course. Although signing examples are not used within the examples, actual application will be within a bilingual environment.


Effective Screen Design

computer icon Effective screen design contains the concepts of consistency, simplicity, and easiness of finding elements (Fenrich, 2005). To accomplish this, orientation information is located at the top of the screen. Navigation should be straightforward and quickly understandable. In addition, there should be control options so that the user can control how they navigate a page or the site. There should be directions so that learners know what they need to do to interact with the page(s).

Effective Use of Color

color icon According to the Capella University tutorial on Design Principles and Elements (n.d.), color can be used for functional and aesthetic reasons. It guides the learner through the page and the site for clear understanding without instruction. For example, it provides information about the function of text such as title, link, or menu item. In additional to the functional use of color, it can be used to form an emotional response to the page. Fenrich (2005) states that through use of color, “you can increase communication speed, accuracy, and retention (p. 215)


Usability Icon Fenrich describes usability through four factors: ease of use, clarity, learner control, and pleasantness. Note that these factors are closely related to effective screen design. Usability also is connected with the audience needs and expectations as well as  goals of the site. Further information on this topic is available through the website Lastly, usability is connected with accessibility for those with disabilities. Further information on this topic is available through the website